by Richard Safeer, MD | Dec 11, 2022 | blog
Ever notice what kind of food is left in the break room on Monday morning with a note that says, “Enjoy!”? It is not likely a bowl of fruit. More often, someone has decided they really need to avoid another sugar-binge and that the least wasteful option is to share...
by Richard Safeer, MD | Dec 11, 2022 | blog
Turns out, at least 12 different ways! It’s safe to say that your lifestyle choices have been influenced – and continue to be influenced – by culture connection points. If you want to create healthy norms on your team and in your workplace or extinguish...
by Richard Safeer, MD | Dec 10, 2022 | blog
I didn’t become a coffee drinker until my mid-40s. I might have had four or five cups in the seven years it took me to finish medical school and residency training. Coffee was a perk for those at the Johns Hopkins Health Care campus where I worked. I would notice the...
by Richard Safeer, MD | Oct 24, 2022 | blog
Is it even possible to create a healthy workplace culture if the leaders aren’t on board? Doubtful. Let’s face it, at the most basic level, if your boss isn’t nice, your well-being is at risk. Yes, being nice is part of building a well-being culture. The role of...
by Richard Safeer, MD | Oct 24, 2022 | blog
Every Wegmans store has Robert B. Wegman’s photograph with his credo: “Never think about yourself; always help others.” What a great world it would be if we all lived by that mantra! For Wegmans, this isn’t just a quote, it’s a shared value. It’s a value they strive...